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You are here: The Job Explorer > Job Description > IT > Instructional Technology Systems Professional Assistant Responsibilities

Instructional Technology Systems Professional Assistant Duties

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The Instructional Technology Systems Professional position collaborates and supports faculty and departments through the design, development, implementation, evaluation and/or classroom support of instructional technologies. Employees in this position must possess broad knowledge
about current and evolving instructional technologies and resources. The work of this individual will vary according to the nature of the employing organization and the level of the responsibility associated with the position posting. Some individuals in this category will be focused on electronics in
the design of classrooms and installation of technology as well as maintenance and repair of instructional technology systems such as integrated video/audio/data classroom presentation systems, distance learning systems and a wide range of instructional technologies. Other individuals may focus on quick, efficient telephone and on-site support of classroom instructional technology and/or systems to insure classroom instruction continues.


Monitor assigned technology-enhanced classrooms and trouble shoot

Provide response to trouble calls and reports from room users if support of classrooms is primary focus

Conduct scheduled inspection of classroom equipment and environment; replace broken equipment with back-up equipment

Provide users with "hands-on" training or train staff to provide training in proper operation of equipment as well as demonstrations of technology

Prepare instructional manuals, documents and signage as necessary for users of new equipment in specific locations

Work with faculty, instructors and departments to design, implement and evaluate instructional technology

Consult with individual or groups of faculty and/or academic professionals on instruction and effective uses of classroom technologies and teaching practices

Explore and make recommendations pertaining to evolving classroom technologies for use by faculty and departments

Maintain current knowledge of state of the art classroom technology and the learning process

Provide special equipment set-up and operation in technology enhanced classrooms

Coordinate and/or assist in the installation and maintenance of classroom support equipment

Provide technical consultation and systems designs consistent with accepted practice and industry standards to meet stated needs and requirements; consults with administration, faculty, IT professionals,
facilities, architects, vendors and others as required

Maintains expertise in one or more of the following areas based on focus and level placement required of unit or department: audio and video systems, classroom technologies, presentation systems, or
control systems for visual, audio and computer display in classrooms

Performs special projects and other duties as assigned.



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Job Description: Administrative - Agriculture - Animal Care - Building - Business - Development - Environmental - Equipment - Facilities - Food - Health - HR

Research - IT - Library - Media - Medical - Outreach - Parking - Police - Postal - Printing - PR - Lab - Retail - Student Services - Supplies - Trades - Transit - A-Z

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