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You are here: The Job Explorer > Job Description > Student Services > Assistant Director Oxford Studies Abroad Responsibilities

Assistant Director Oxford Studies Abroad Duties

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The Assistant Director of the UGA at Oxford Program assists the Director in all aspects of program administration. Areas of responsibility include but are not limited to recruitment, student registration, fee collection, computer record keeping, filing of appropriate paperwork with UGA administrative offices, pre-trip orientations of participants, supervision and registration of graduate assistants, arrangements with Oxford colleges, and organization of special events for UGA at Oxford participants and faculty. This position serves as backup for the Director; the position requires keen attention to detail, ability to foresee and troubleshoot problems or crises, and ability to supervise and/or coordinate with several entities simultaneously.


The person in this position coordinates the following UGA at Oxford Study Abroad Programs: Franklin at Oxford, UGA at Oxford Junemester, Terry at Oxford, and Grady at Oxford. As new programs are added, this position would coordinate these programs as well. Coordination of the programs involves, but is not limited to, the following duties:

Log and process all incoming student applications, forms and fees.

Coordinate with OIE and Admissions to insure all documents for acceptance packet are up-to-date and that all UGA at Oxford transient student applications are processed; create and maintain database spreadsheet of admitted students; e-mail database material for all admitted students to various people on and off campus: Bursar's Office, OIE, travel agent, appropriate Oxford college; coordinate with Curriculum Management (use of CAPA system if needed), UGA Academic Departments, and the British Coordinator to begin registration process for all participants; enter all courses into the UGA system as Regent's Study Abroad courses, registering each participant on OASIS: the registration process is completed for over two hundred and twenty students per year.

Format, print, photocopy, and mail all rejection and alternate letters, as well as acceptance packets with all legal, financial, and academic information needs (acceptance letters, insurance information, UGA honesty policy, student check sheet, program calendar, liability form, health form, waiver-not-to-sue, course descriptions, course selection form, course offering sheet, and course selection instructions).

Coordinate with all graduate assistants to register them and make certain they are in compliance with departmental and Boyd Graduate regulations regarding their registration.

Coordinate with British Coordinator for the hiring of British faculty and coordinate with Office Manager to create and distribute honoraria forms for all foreign faculty (which constitutes the bulk of UGA at Oxford faculty)

Coordinate student orientation for each program, which includes mailing student invitations, making certain alumni and graduate assistants can attend, confirming arrangements and sending reminders, and speaking at orientation sessions to answer student questions and explain forms and fees.

Coordinate book lists from Oxford faculty with current library holdings, and arrange for purchases or other procurement as needed.

Other program scheduling and miscellany, including processing student roommate requests and originating roommate assignments; sorting and processing student evaluations upon completion of each program; processing Honors Options forms.

Consult with/assist Dr. Shaw as necessary in planning all social functions and other logistics for the upcoming programs.

Coordinate all program advertisement, promotion and recruitment. This involves consulting with the Director and with satellite program directors to update, edit, format, and have published all recruitment materials for the year, coordinating with Institutional Research and Planning, ensuring that the web-page information is up-to-date, coordinating with various print media (such as Red & Black, Study Abroad Catalog, UGA Greek Directory), and preparing for the UGA Study Abroad Fair, which can include generating Power Point presentations, program scrapbook, handout, posters, and other promotional materials.

Responsible for recognizing and coordinating with all UGA and Oxford entities that provide the program with prompt cooperation. Includes, but is not limited to, the following persons or entities: English Department, Bursar's Office, Registrar's Office, Student Affairs Office, OIE, travel agents, commercial printers, Oxford Colleges.


A Bachelor's Degree is required, along with eight years related experience, or equivalent combination of experience, training, and/or education.

Work experience both in University and Business settings

Must have experience working with college students and faculty

High competence with computers, including Windows-based programs, the Internet, and the UGA registration system.

Prior travel outside the US is required; prior travel to the UK is strongly preferred.

Exceptional organizational skills and keen attention to detail

Excellent written, oral and interpersonal skills

Ability to work alone and as a member of a team; must be a self-starter, and must have ability to work independently on complex issues related to day-to-day operation of the unit, overall planning, and supervision of staff.



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Job Description: Administrative - Agriculture - Animal Care - Building - Business - Development - Environmental - Equipment - Facilities - Food - Health - HR

Research - IT - Library - Media - Medical - Outreach - Parking - Police - Postal - Printing - PR - Lab - Retail - Student Services - Supplies - Trades - Transit - A-Z

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